The Value of a Queenslander House Style
Never before has humanity paid so much attention to weather conditions since the subject of global warming was raised. Winter has been more hazardous in European countries and the United States, with blizzards snowing families in, closing down public transport, roads and airports. In other countries severe weather conditions have brought about widespread flooding, raging bushfires and heartbreaking mudslides which have literally swept away entire communities. Add to this awakening volcanoes and earthquakes which have been the cause of huge tsunamis, ending lives and breaking hearts. Mother Nature seems to have taken great displeasure in the way we have treated our Earth and has reacted violently in protest.
Short of walking away from everything they possess, little else can be done for people living on earth faults where earthquakes happen with alarming regularity. Building on slopes of mountains has seen the stability of the ground badly affected, so that the result of torrential rainfall causes the earth to literally slide away from underneath. Again for these people the only option available is to leave and live elsewhere. Amazingly many people opt to stay and rebuild as is the case in many active or dormant volcanic areas, where daily life goes on as though nothing can go wrong. Happily, something can be done for those living in flood prone areas, and that is house raising Brisbane in order to prevent having to repeatedly do post flood cleanups.
Flood-Proofing Low-Set Houses
House restumping Brisbane for low houses on stumps can make the world of difference as to how one survives a flood. Although many of the old style Queenslander homes are up high, many of the old homes are low-set and as such, a flood target. In low lying areas that are prone to flooding, even some high houses have suffered water inundation, but nowhere near as badly as lower homes. Since the 2011 floods in Australia a lot of thought and discussion has taken place regarding flood proofing existing homes and coming up with a flood proof house design for new homes. For existing homes the most sensible answer is to go higher, hiring the services of a house raising company to ensure the home is above any expected flood level.
One of the new developments since the 2011 floods is the raising of the heights of homes in flood areas from eight and a half metres to nine and a half metres, giving some extra leeway between home and floodwaters. New flood proof housing plans have been submitted for approval, and will hopefully be another option for the future. All things considered, for all flood prone areas, house raising is by far the best way to go.